Sunday, December 6, 2009

Week 14

I completed items 1-3.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Internet Safety Reflection

1. I read "Rated A" by Marvin J. Ashton of Council of the Twelve.

2. I watched the PBS Frontline Documentary Parts 1-4. The parts were "Living their Lives Essentially Online", "A Revolution in Classrooms and Social Life", "Self Expression Trying on New Identities", and "The Child Predator Fear". All the parts basically focused on how the internet is taking over childrens lives and that people are using the Internet as another life. Parents are concerned about the effects Internet is having on their children and how other people might hurt their children.

3. What I gathered most from the videos and the readings is that the Internet, though beneficially, can have serious dangerous effects. Children can be exposed to all sorts of things that are not age appropriate and are putting themselves at risk for predators on the Internet. One major problem with the Internet is cyperbullying. Kids are using the Internet as a means to make fun of and ruin other students lives. Cyperbullying can be so cruel that it can lead to such horrible events as murder and sucide. Cyperbullying can be an even more drastic problem than just regular bullying because it can happen 24 hours a day, seven days a week and there is no escape from it. I also learned that people use the Internet to create alternative lifestyles or project images of themselves that aren't like reality. Children are spending more and more time on the Internet rather than socializing with actual people. The danger in this is that people are losing the ability to interact with others. The Internet is also turning into a social competition and causing problems that don't really exist. I also learned that the media is breaking apart the family unit and that people are spending more time on the Internet rather than with their families. People need to hold themselves to higher standards and not subject themselves to anything immoral that can be found in the media.

4. I talked with my mom about cyperbullying.
i. She didn't know how prevalent the problem was. She thought of cyperbullying as people just saying me things to one another and didn't realize how serious it could actually get. She wasn't aware of the serious consequences, such as murder or suicide, that could result from cyperbullying. She also didn't think cyperbullying was as big a problem as it is. She hadn't had first hand experience with this so its easy to think that the problem isn't as prevalent as it actually is.
ii. She was shocked at what I shared with her. She hadn't realized how horrible this problem had gotten and how drastic the consequences could be. She was surprised at the many different ways in which people can cyperbully each other. The person I talked to isn't very technology savvy so she was surprised to find out the many ways bullying occurs and how harsh kids can be to one another. I think the aspect of cyperbullying she found most dramatic were the cases the ended in kids either being murdered or committing suicide. Everyone would like to think that children aren't capable of such horrible acts but the truth is that it happens and people need to be aware of the problem.
iii. There wasn't anything that really surprised me about her reaction. Everything I learned was shocking and scary and that was her reaction as well.
iv. I think the person I talked to will be more aware of what her kids are doing on the Internet. She realizes that she can't always be there to monitor what her kids are doing but she needs to be aware of what could be going on. She wants to know what are some of the ways kids can cyperbully each other so that if she does witness it or come across she'll know better how to handle it.

Week 13

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 12

My practicum experience was in a first grade classroom and my mentor teacher did not use technology. I think there are several reasons for this. First, there are twenty-two six and seven year olds and one teacher. Using technology becomes difficult because it is hard to manage that many kids while either the teacher or the students are using technology. Management becomes a problem. Second, the volume of questions using technology would bring would limit the amount of time students were actually working with technology and it would waste valuable class time. Having been in first grade for almost a month now I have realized that first graders ask a lot of questions. They are almost all hypothetical and rarely important, but nonetheless they ask questions. If technology was used the number of questions would only increase. Not all students are on the same level and I see very little technology that would not present a problem. Third, there is not very much technology available at my school. There’s a computer lab, some projectors, and a video camera. With the student’s short attention spans, using a computer projector takes more time than it’s worth. The one thing I wish I could have seen my mentor teacher do would be to take the students to the computer lab. I was given a very brief knowledge of what programs there are available for student use and I would have appreciated getting to see them in action. Another tool that I think my mentor teacher could have implemented and it would have gone fairly well is using a Powerpoint presentation. Though it’s a very basic form of technology I think it would work very well with first graders. Rather than writing things on the board or using magnets to hold up pictures or words, a Powerpoint presentation could have been created. It would have been new and interesting to the students so they probably would have enjoyed it very much and paid close attention. It also would have been possible to implement a Google Earth tour. The teacher should probably be in charge of showing the students the tour, not giving each individual student a computer; first graders tend to be kind of destructive. But using Google Earth would have allowed students to see real-life pictures and be introduced to a new form of technology.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Week 11

I watched Bookends of War and Inside Kapunahala.

I learned that using technology really helps push children outside their comfort zone and helps them develop as students. I thought it was interesting that a couple students said that public speaking and oral presentation skills had increased because of being on camera. These children might never have found another way to help broaden their skills but technology expanded their horizon. I also learned that using technology makes learning more fun for older students. Technology might not be that helpful with younger students but children in fourth and fifth grade can certainly benefit from technology. I liked that a student said using technology helped show what they had learned rather than just having someone hear about it. Using technology gave the students in the videos another medium in which they could express themselves. The possibilities for assessment also increased. The teacher no longer has to rely on tests to see what students have learned. Another point that I thought was interesting was that one teacher said she could explain a concept to one student and have that student teach it to the rest of their group. Though this principle could be implemented without using technology, I think using technology provides a very new and different concept for students to learn. Having one student teach others gives students a greater sense of responsibility and allows them to feel more involved in the classroom. It also frees up the teacher’s time and allows he or she to be more involved in watching how the students are learning. I thought it was important to note that one teacher said you need to know how to thoroughly use the technology before you try to teach it. It’s important for us as teachers to remember that on some things, including technology, we may need to be the ultimate source of knowledge in the classroom.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 10

The most important thing I gathered from the videos was that even when using specific technology and programs, children needs choices while using the technology. If students simply follow the teacher’s directions step by step and never get to make any choices they are not going to be as engaged in the activity. I like the video where students got to use KidPix and create their own animals and their habitats. I thought this activity was good because it allowed students to think about what they learned about habitats and create their own. Students got to use technology and still got to be creative and think for themselves. Another thing I learned is that the technology cannot be too complicated. If the technology is too difficult to use students will get frustrated and give up. On the other hand if the technology is too easy students will get off task and this could lead to management problems. The technology has to be at the right level for the activity to be successful. Lastly, using the technology needs to be fun. We shouldn’t use technology in the classroom just because we feel like we have to. The activities should be fun as well as educational.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Week 9

My initial impression of the technology available to my mentor teacher is that she does not have a lot of technology available to her. My elementary school isn't the most technologically advanced school and most teachers do not have a lot of access to technology. I also observed that using technology would take too long and is often cumbersome. With first graders they do not have a very long attention span. They cannot sit still and wait patiently for the teacher to set up technology. They get distracted, misbehave, or start having long and loud conversations. I also observed that my teacher doesn't know very much about technology. She has been teaching for twelve years and I don't think technology training or using technology has ever been a high priority for her. She is a great teacher without it and doesn't have the time to learn it all and fit it in. I think the biggest things I learned this week are that there is not a lot of technology available at my school and that first graders don't really have the mentality for using a lot of technology. There is the chance that they will break something or the chance that it might be too confusing for them and nothing will get done.

I have completed parts 1 and 2.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Science Challenge

I viewed and commented on the following science challenges:

I think the upside to using our science activity is that students can see information presented in a new way. Sometimes just having the teacher lecture and students listen can be boring. Kidspiration is a new way for students to interact with the material. The biggest bonus of Kidspiration and almost any other fun science activity is that it's interactive. Students can demonstrate what they have learned without taking a test. A downside to using Kidspiration is that you would need to have a technologically advanced classroom. Without a computer for every student or at least a couple students per computer the activity wouldn't work. Another downside might be that the teacher might not have a lot of control as to what students are actually doing. With so many students on so many different computers, management might become an issue.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Science Challenge

1. Students will view a powerpoint presentation created by the teacher. The powerpoint will be about four habitats, wetlands, rainforest, forest, desert, and the characteristics of those habitats. After having presented information on each particular habitat, the teacher will present information (and pictures in the powerpoint presentation) of different animals that live in that habitat and why. During the powerpoint presentation, students will be taking brief notes on the habitats and animals. They will also be actively participating when the teacher asks for questions and comments. After having gone through all four habitats, their characteristics, animals in that habitat, and why the animals live there, students will have the opportunity to practice identifying animals and what habitats they belong in. Using Kidspiration, students will place a minimum of four different animals in the correct habitat. After placing four animals in each habitat, students will show a partner what animal they put where and why. While students are using Kidspiration, the teacher can be walking around the room answering questions or offering up comments on students progress. When students are talking with their partners, they can ask the teacher for clarification if there is a disagreement.
  • The content we are focusing on is Grade 2nd Standard 3 student will develop an understanding of their environment. Objective 1 investigate relationships between plants and animals and how living things change during their lives. a. observe and describe the relationships of plants and animals.
  • The pedagogy we will be using is classifying. This will be a good fit because student will have the opportunity to express their knowledge of animals and the environments they belong in. More specifically students will be using concept maps to help them identify animals and the environments they belong in. Concept maps will help students make connections and see how different animals and environments relate.
  • The technology we will be using is Kidspiration. This program will work well because it gives us a chance to assess whether or not the students have understood the content. The program works well with our pedagogy because students can classify animals into their individual environments. The program also provides many examples for the students, examples that they might not otherwise come into contact with.
  • We will be using a visual representation to help students understand the relationships between animals and their environment. The technology will help students understand the content better because it will provide them with the visual images of the environment and the animals. Being able to connect the animals with the correct environment visually as well as verbally is an important skill. It will also provide the student will new and different examples for them to learn from.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Virtual Tour

I watched Kerry, Alexandra, and Maria's tours. I think the upside to implementing a virtual tour in an elementary school classroom is that students will get to see and experience things they might otherwise never have the opportunity to. They can learn about information about specific places in the world that they usually wouldn't. I think the downside to a virtual tour is that google earth only gives you a rough idea of what an area looks like. What I mean is the satellite images are not detailed or give you very much to look at. The features of google earth allow you to see more but google earth itself doesn't make natural features look very cool. Also creating a virtual tour can be a little time consuming at first when you don't know what you're doing so it might be difficult for a beginning teacher to find the time.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Google Earth Virtual Tour

This tour is about major volcanoes from all around the world.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Virtual Tour Plan

Grade 3 Standard 2: Students will understand that volcanoes, earthquakes, uplift, weathering, and erosion reshape Earth's surface. Objective 2: Explain how volcanoes, earthquakes, and uplift affect Earth's surface.
I chose to do a virtual tour on this topic because I thought it would an interesting way to see volcanoes. It is also a new way for students to learn about a familiar topic. During the tour the students will get to see a visual representation of what certain volcanoes look like. This will help make the topic more real to them and allow them to see something they might otherwise never see. Based on what they see and read, students will also get the opportunity to write about their discoveries. This will help solidify the information for them and help them to remember the information quickly.
Location Activity DescriptionGoogle Earth Content
1. Mt. Vesuvius Mt. Vesuvius erupted in A.D. 79 and destroyed the city of Pompeii. It is estimated that the death toll was between 10,000 and 25,000 people. Many people suffocated from ash and their remains were perfectly preserved for archeologists to study. The eruption created a massive crater. Using the rule, measure the length of the crater. Write down your observations.
Students will look at this picture to see the inside of the crater. Create a pinpoint for this picture.

Here, students will use the ruler function to measure the length of the crater.
2. Mt. FujiMt. Fuji is the highest mountain in Japan. Mt. Fuji is still an active volcano even though it hasn't erupted since 1707. Mt. Fuji is 12,388 feet high and generally very cold. Using the ruler function measure the length of the crater. After having measured the crater's length compare it with that of Mt. Vesuvius. Also compare the differences in their appearances and what might account for that. Write a couple paragraphs comparing and contrasting Mt. Fuji and Mt. Vesuvius.
Students will look at this picture. Create a pinpoint.

Students will use the ruler function to measure the length of Mt. Fuji's crater.
3. Mt. PeleeMt. Pelee is an active volcano located on the northern tip Martinique. Mt. Pelee produced one of the world's most destructive eruptions in 1902 that killed about 30,121 people. Click on the volcano layer and read what the Smithsonian Institution wrote about Mt. Pelee. Then write a journal entry telling how you would have felt if you had been there during the 1902 eruption.

Here students will click on the volcano layer and read what the Smithsonian Institution wrote and respond to it.
4. Mt. Saint HelensMt. Saint Helens is an active volcano located in Washington State. Mt. Saint Helens is part of the Cascade Volcanic Arc, a segment of the Pacific Ring of Fire that includes over 160 active volcanoes. Mt. Saint Helens is famous for its eruption in 1980, which killed 57 people, destroyed 250 bridges, 47 bridges, and much more. Mt. Saint Helens and the surrounding area are also known for earthquakes. Click on the earthquake layer and note some of the magnitudes and dates of earthquakes. With a partner perform the safety procedures you would do during an earthquake and discuss your emergency earthquake plan. Write down your plan to show to your partner.

Here, students will use the earthquake layer to observe recent earthquakes and their magnitudes.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Digital Story

I think the most difficult part of implementing a digital story is going to be finding the time. Not that creating one takes that long, but when you have so many other things to do as a teacher you might find something like a digital story getting put on the back burner. You just have to remember to keep your lessons interesting and fun and use the resources that are available to you.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Friday, September 18, 2009

TPCK and Digital Story

My understanding of TPCK is that it's a combination of knowing how to teach (pedagogical knowledge), what to teach (content knowledge), and how to use technology (technological knowledge). Depending on what areas you are focusing on, you have different levels of understanding. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is knowing how to teach certain content. Technological Content Knowledge (TCK) is knowing how to use technology within certain areas or content. Technological Pedagogical Knowledge (TPK) is knowing how to teach using technology. A combination of all three, technological and pedagogical content knowledge (TPCK), is knowing how to teach certain content using technology. It's necessary for teachers to have this knowledge so that they know how to properly teach and use technology in all areas of curriculum. Using technology in the classroom can open many doors in different content areas. Knowing how to teach helps teachers explain content better and work towards individual students needs. By combining all three you can become a more well-rounded teacher.

For our digital story project the standards we have chosen our Standard 1 Objective 2 develop language through viewing media and presenting and Standard 4 Objective 1 demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between letters and sounds. Both standards are for Kindergarten. Our digital story will help teach this content because it will go through all the letters of the alphabet and teach students what they sound like through oral language. The story will be drawn pictures of the alphabet letters and animals that start with that letter. These pictures will help students associate the sound of letters with how the letters actually look. Students will also learn how letters can be associated in different words.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I've never made a website before and it wasn't as difficult as I imagined it to be. I can definitely see how this would be useful in the classroom. I like the idea of having all the assignments and their due dates on a calendar for parents to access. It would help decrease confusion and would hopefully help students get their work in on time. I liked learning how to use all sorts of different websites including Picnik. There are so many different ways to implement technology in the classroom and I'm glad we are getting a chance to learn how to use these tools.

I Facebook chatted with Alexandra Calvert and I talked to her on Skype. These are the pictures from us talking on both formats.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

My Technology History

I have some experience with computers. I know how to do all the basics; the things you generally need to know to access the internet, do assignments for school, and find information. I hate Excel. Every time I try to use it something goes terribly wrong. Other than that I feel pretty good about computers and technology and all that.