Friday, October 30, 2009

Week 10

The most important thing I gathered from the videos was that even when using specific technology and programs, children needs choices while using the technology. If students simply follow the teacher’s directions step by step and never get to make any choices they are not going to be as engaged in the activity. I like the video where students got to use KidPix and create their own animals and their habitats. I thought this activity was good because it allowed students to think about what they learned about habitats and create their own. Students got to use technology and still got to be creative and think for themselves. Another thing I learned is that the technology cannot be too complicated. If the technology is too difficult to use students will get frustrated and give up. On the other hand if the technology is too easy students will get off task and this could lead to management problems. The technology has to be at the right level for the activity to be successful. Lastly, using the technology needs to be fun. We shouldn’t use technology in the classroom just because we feel like we have to. The activities should be fun as well as educational.

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